Averting Automobile Heat Damage

Here’s Towing Chicago’s expert guide on what to never, ever leave inside a hot car, and how to avoid the damage that can come with the extreme heat generated inside automobile interiors.


Protecting the Inside of Cars

The greenhouse effect causes your dashboard and carpet to absorb sunlight, trapping heat inside your car and causing it to increase exponentially. Try parking in the shade, tinted windows, or shades for your front windows. As a general rule that should never be diverted from, never leave a pet or a child inside a hot car.



Whether your car uses oil, transmission, power steering, or brake fluid, your car is burning fluid to keep it cool. Make sure your car consistently has fluid topped off to its manufacturer’s specifications, so check more frequently if you’re driving in hot areas. Just make sure not to take off the radiator cap when the engine is hot.



Make sure that tires are inflated to recommended pressures, as underinflated tires are more likely to blowout and overheat.


Car Paint

Make sure to park your car inside an indoor garage or area that’s covered as often as possible. Frequent washing of your car can avert the bleaching that comes with the sun, pollution, and road dirt – and waxing helps provide a protective layer over the paint.