Little Known Flat Tire Causes

Getting flat tires can be both inconvenient and dangerous – with the puncture of tires by sharp objects being the number one reason for people to get flat tire repair. However, this doesn’t always happen instantly or for the same reason – here’s a guide to the causes of flat tires as compiled by the professional towing crew at Towing Chicago.

Air Leakages

Leakages from your tire usually start at the intersections of the tire bead or the valve stem. If the valve stem is worn down air can slowly come out of the tire, depleting pressure. Air can also slip out of a worn tire bead sealing, lowering tire pressure. A great way to check whether air is coming out of these areas is to place water with a small amount of dish soap along the bead sealing or valve stem – if bubbles are made, air is leaking out. By regularly checking these areas of your tires, you can help to avoid the occurrence of a flat tire.


Heat is a major risk for tire breakage during the Summer, so it’s important to pay attention to tire pressure when it gets hotter. Hotter ambient temperatures can make the air inside your tires expand, which can lead to them bursting if enough pressure builds up. The general rule calls for the addition of a single pound of pressure for every 10 degrees Farenheit that the ambient temperature increases.


If the tires do not get replaced when necessary or rotated, they can overwear, increasing the likelihood of a leak or flat tire. It’s important to rotate your tires every other oil change you get – which usually amounts to every 6,000 miles driven. By taking regular care of your vehicle, you can make sure that a flat tire never occurs.