Top Hazards on the Road

hazard sign on highway

Driving Distracted

Today, with smartphones, there’s more distracted drivers than ever. There’s no limit to the distractions that can affect safe driving, from texting, use of navigation systems, chatting on the phone, eating, and much more. These issues can distract drivers from the road, and contribute to accidents which can cause injuries or even fatalities. Lower the risk of accidents caused by distracted driving by constantly staying highly alert and aware when driving. Pay attention to any erratic driving in others, and keep a safe distance from them. Pay attention to signs of distraction like swerving or sudden braking. We recommend attending a defensive driving course.


Reckless Driving

Reckless driving might include speeding, ignoring traffic signals, or even racing., speeding causes  around 30 percent of crashes. Avoid reckless driving by avoiding tailgating, acting out on road rage incidents, and by reporting dangerous drivers. We recommend paying close attention to traffic rules.


Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is one of the biggest road hazards out there, causing a great number of fatal accidents. Even if YOU never drive while impaired, there is still the risk of other impaired drivers being out on the road. Drive extremely carefully and with great awareness when during peak hours for DUI-related accidents – namely, nighttime until sunrise. By driving defensively, you can drastically increase your driving safety.
