Best practices for hiring a tow operation

Tow Truck Facts you may not know

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Tow truck drivers have a hard job – putting their lives on the line every day to provide assistance to broken down vehicles when drivers need it most. Towing can also be very complicated – and the entire process is always made easier when customers understand the best practices to follow when hiring professional Chicago Towing services.

Drive Slow or Pull Over

If you see a tow truck approaching the roadside with flashing lights, make sure to pull over to the neighboring lane. If you can’t switch lanes, try to slow down so that you make it easier for the driver to arrive at their location. Towing can be especially difficult and dangerous when tons of cars are zooming by.

Stay Calm

Nobody plans for a vehicle breakdown – so it’s often easy for people to freak out, but it’s essential to stay calm in this scenario. The entire rescue and towing operation will be made infinitely easier if you simply breath and calm down before you contact the towing dispatch operator. We recommend taking deep breaths – inhaling to the count of 8, holding for 5, and exhaling to 8 – and repeating.

Location Specifics

Try to be as specific as possible when describing your location to the towing company dispatcher. The ideal would be to tell them your exact GPS location from your phone, but if this isn’t possible, describe your surroundings, the street, the highway, any neighboring businesses, or any location landmarks that you can. Also, keep in mind that different breakdowns require different types of tow trucks – and that if you’re stuck inside a small space, you will need a smaller sized truck to get out. This just results in a faster and more smooth rescue.

Demonstrate Appreciation

It can be hard finding a trustworthy tow truck operator – and when you’re working with a truly trustworthy and superior team, you’re guaranteed to be satisfied by their service. When your vehicle is rescued, consider tipping your tow truck driver for their courteous service, and if you’re not in the position to be able to do so, simply give them a warm thank you – we promise you that they will appreciate it, and they will likely offer you a lift back to the automotive shop for your convenience.

