Safest Places to Wait for Chicago Roadside Assistance

Common Summer Car Issues

In this blog entry, the preeminent professional Chicago roadside assistance service providers of the Greater Chicago Area, the licensed and insured team here at Towing Chicago, will detail the three safest places for you to wait with your vehicle while awaiting roadside assistance service.

Highway Shoulder – Right Side

The majority of highways have an area on the right side of the road – a shoulder – where vehicles can be parked in the event of an emergency. If you can still accelerate your vehicle, maneuver it to the right shoulder of the road so as to better avoid oncoming traffic. This is essential, as it’s incredibly dangerous to leave your vehicle blocking the road. Some drivers could potentially dodge your vehicle, but others might not be able to – the risk of causing an accident or being hit by a car is simply too high. By moving your vehicle off the road to its adjacent shoulder, you mitigate these risks.

Interior of your Vehicle

We recommend staying inside your vehicle if you’re not in the middle of the road and as long as your engine isn’t smoking or overheating. Keep your seatbelt on. Cars are more visible on the road than people, so this is a good way of avoiding potential injury. Staying inside your car is also important if you’re stranded at night, during inclement weather like rain or snow, or in a dangerous area. Keep your car doors locked and don’t walk around your car, as it can draw attention to potential criminals who want to take advantage of your vulnerability.

As Far from Traffic as Possible

If your car breaks down on a highway, and you think you can get out of your vehicle – leave through the passenger side door (so you’re as far from the traffic as possible.) Carefully look both ways before you begin walking on the road, and ideally, wear a bright colored jacket so you’re clearly visible to other drivers. The absolute best thing you can do if you find your car broken down is to call the licensed, insured, and highly experienced roadside assistance experts here at Towing Chicago for rapid, direct-to-location assistance.