Teen Driving Tips

Teen Driving Tips

There’s tons of changes that today’s teenagers need to deal with, especially in this crazy contemporary world. However, one thing hasn’t changed about being a teenager; the excitement about getting to drive for your first time, which can really constitute as a delicious taste of independence. Here’s some essential safety tips for first time teen drivers as prepared by the roadside assistance experts here at Towing Chicago.

Speed Limit

Make sure that teens always stick to the speed limit, as this way you can avoid run ins with the cops, while majorly lowering the chances of ending up in a traffic accident. This saves you money and legal stress – in addition to your life.

Never Drive Drunk

This should be obvious. Nobody – and especially new drivers – should ever drive when even slightly intoxicated. Even a minuscule amount of alcohol or drugs in one’s bloodstream can really reduce the reaction time necessary for truly safe driving. It’s essential that teens take a cab to get anywhere after drinking instead of risking driving intoxicated.

Be Rested

This applies especially before embarking on long driving trips. A large amount of accidents are caused by the driver’s lack of sleep. If you find yourself yawning, blinking alot, with heavy eyelids, a heavy head, constant daydreaming, or trouble focusing, pull over somewhere safe and get some rest.

Don’t be on your Phone

Many accidents are caused by drivers texting, looking up information, or even talking on their phones. This is one of the leading causes of accidents. Always keep your phone in your pocket when you drive. If you absolutely need to use your phone, pull over somewhere safe and out of distance from other vehicles and do what you need to do before driving again.

Careful Switching Lanes

Vehicles have blind spots that their rear and side mirrors cannot address. Make sure to always check your vehicle’s blind spot when you merge, change lanes, leave a parking space, do a three point turn, or pull out from the curb.
