If your car breaks down, no matter where or when, you’re going to require the assistance of a professional towing company like Towing Chicago. Vehicle breakdowns can be caused by dead batteries, mechanical malfunctions, leaking fuel, or accidents. Roadside assistance is an absolute essential when you are in this situation. Here’s a brief guide to roadside assistance, as prepared by the experienced towing technicians at Towing Chicago.
Roadside Assistance Definition
Our roadside assistance service provides protection and rescue in the event of vehicle breakdowns. Our roadside assistance service ensures that help and solutions is just a call away. Besides bringing your car to the mechanics, our roadside assistance service covers towing, jump starting, locksmith service, spare tire changing, and emergency refueling.
Staying Safe when Waiting for Roadside Assistance
If you’re waiting for expert roadside assistance service, it’s necessary to follow rules in order to stay safe. Remember that roads aren’t safe, and that other drivers can potentially hit your vehicle while it’s sitting there. Always:
Remember to park as far to the left, and in as safe as an area as possible.
Check the oncoming traffic on both sides before exiting your vehicle.
Turn on your parking lights or hazard lights depending on the visibility level outside.
Don’t ever stand on the road, only stand behind safety barriers or on the roadside.
Try to stay in your vehicle with the seatbelt fastened even when waiting.
Immediately contact a licensed roadside assistance service expert and follow their instructions.
Stay aware of your surroundings
What to do when your vehicle breaks down in a tunnel?
If your vehicle experiences a breakdown when in a tunnel, turn on your parking lights or hazard lights. Usually tunnels are kept a close eye on by roadside assistance services, and help will come pretty quick. Just make sure to stay inside the car with the seatbelt fastened.
New Driver Safety Tips
Always wear your seatbelt when driving
Never drink and drive
Never text when driving
Stay as close to the speed limit while staying below it
Try to drive with as few passengers as possible
Don’t drive at night until you are comfortable with daytime driving
Contact a roadside assistance service when vehicles breakdown rather than try to remedy the issue by yourself